The Vault: Blazing Fist Ointment

In the caldera of dead volcano lies an ancient monastery, where an order of monks distills an ointment coveted by warriors across the realm. While the ingredients are generally known, the exact quantities required and the alchemical techniques used to create the ointment are closely guarded secrets.

The monks often hire adventurers to procure the reagents needed to create the blazing fist ointment. Emberroot, a botanical marvel shimmering with ember-like petals, can be found on the shores of molten rivers. In primordial forests, under the watchful gaze of a blood-red moon, the kindlebark tree releases resin capturable with a specialized tap. Fire beetles, radiant creatures pulsating with inner flame, have glands that require a deft hand to remove. Finally, in fiery elemental abodes, ephemeral motes of fire dance through the air, needing sufficient fuel to survive the trek back to the monastery.

When applied, the blazing fist ointment awakens dormant powers within the user, imbuing their strikes with fiery might. Each blow becomes an intricate dance with the flames, scorching adversaries with searing intensity. Multiple doses envelop the user in a blazing aura, enhancing speed and granting the ability to evade attacks with swift grace.

Blazing Fist Ointment

Wondrous Item, Uncommon

This small apothecary bottle contains 1d4+1 doses of an oily mixture that smells faintly of cinnamon. As an action, one to three doses of the ointment can be swallowed or applied to the skin. For the next hour, you gain the following benefits (multiple doses also gain the benefits of fewer doses):

  • One dose. You deal an extra 1d6 fire damage to any target you hit with an unarmed strike or natural weapon attack.
  • Two doses. Whenever a creature hits you with a melee attack while within 5 feet of you, it takes 1d6 fire damage.
  • Three doses. Your speed is increased by 30 feet and you do not provoke opportunity attacks.

Check out last week’s item: Elara’s curative scrollmill.

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