The Vault: Belt of the Burglar

Elthor was a thief, and a good one at that. The kind that could find the weakness in any lock and slink through the shadows undetected. But even the best get caught eventually, and Elthor found himself cornered in the Duke’s treasury, a dozen guards closing in. His fingers brushed the belt of the burglar at his waist; it was his last chance.

He pulled the buckle tight as the air shimmered. The guards burst into the room, but Elthor was already gone. He was there, but not there. Invisible. He slipped past the guards, their shouts of confusion fading into the distance as he moved. But this magic wouldn’t last forever.

After ducking into a nearby hallway the invisibility faded. The guards would be searching, but he was safe. For now. He flicked the belt’s buckle and a lockpick slid from the leather. The Duke’s vaults were filled with treasures and no lock was beyond Elthor’s reach.

With the belt’s aid, Elthor worked through the night. Every shadow was his ally, every lock his foe. When the sun finally rose, he was far from the city, a sack of gems at his side. The belt of the burglar had done its job. As long as he had it, no treasure was beyond his grasp.

Belt of the Burglar

Wondrous Item (Belt), Uncommon (+1d6), Rare (+2d6), Very Rare (+3d6) (Requires Attunement by a Rogue)

While wearing this belt you gain bonus dice to your sneak attack dice determined by this belt’s rarity. Also, the belt can be used as a set of thieves’ tools.

As a bonus action, you can become invisible until the start of your next turn. Once this feature has been used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Check out last week’s item: the wand of wonder (walls).

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