The Vault: Map of Discovery

Maps of discovery are known for their ever-evolving nature, changing to reveal the secrets hidden in the surrounding territory. They often have quirks that arise as a product of their creation:

  • Painting Pixies. Tiny, ethereal pixies flit about the map, tirelessly scouting the world, and, when called upon, render their findings upon its parchment. The course of rivers, the position of cities, and the general lay of the land change as the pixies explore.
  • The Forgetful Pirate. An old, grizzled sea captain scattered his loot across countless remote islands, and then promptly forgot their locations. When he commissioned an enchanter to create a map of discovery for him, he also had the enchanter mark any treasure hoards with large red x’s.
  • Spirit Map. Speak with dead spells infuse these maps with necromancy magic, allowing them to query local spirits for information about nearby lands. On occasion, these spirits inscribe cryptic messages in the margins, recounting events from their own pasts.

Map of Discovery

Wonderous Item (Scroll), Rare

As an action, you can unfurl this scroll and speak the command word. The scroll’s contents are replaced with a detailed map of the terrain within a 50-mile radius magically appears on its surface. Dungeons, landmarks, monster lairs, roads, settlements, water sources, and other notable locations are labeled on the map. Furthermore, any treasure hoards with a value of at least 500 gp are also shown. Locations hidden by magic are not revealed by the map.

Once you’ve used the scroll in this way, you cannot do so again until a week has passed.

Check out last week’s item: Gob’s globe.

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